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ZOOM-Trail Town Task Force
May 13, 2020 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Our Trail Town Task Force has divided into committees. Our Trail Route Advisory Committee is making headway. We need every kind of volunteer to make this project successful! Do you hike? Kayak? Are you good at community outreach? Organizing? Can you help clean up on a volunteer day? Are you good at taking photos? Can you take notes at a meeting? Is social media your thing?
No matter your strength, we have a spot for you. This process will be ongoing and it’s never too late to jump in and get involved! Feel free to contact the leaders listed above or contact Liberty Tourism & Convention Commission directly for more information.
Follow Liberty Tourism & Convention Commission on Facebook to view the LIVE meeting.
Agenda Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D6iGUr80Tae7kTyp1HtzspEOWz2NhA5OI2l89MPqOHg/edit?usp=sharing
Topic: Trail Town Task Force
Time: May 13, 2020, 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 815 9421 5697
Password: 036341
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Meeting ID: 815 9421 5697
Password: 036341
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