Make sure to check out our Community Calendar of Events, so you don’t miss these SPRING events!

Live in Liberty Music Festival
Join us for the Annual Live in Liberty Music Festival. We welcome you on the Saturday of Memorial Weekend each year from 11 AM- 10 PM in the green behind City Hall in downtown Liberty. Our rain date will be on the following Sunday. We will have live bands throughout the day and a wide variety of food vendors and adult beverage vendors. Bring the family, a chair, or a blanket, and enjoy FREE live music while you assemble in the village green with your friends and family.

Liberty Friday Night Cruisers
Come enjoy an evening in downtown Liberty on the 1st Friday of each month, April-October. Downtown Court House Sq., Liberty, KY. 6-9 PM EST. Cars, food vendors, live DJ, prizes, and more! Call 606-303-8999 for info. Car and vendor Sign up is free and on-site.
Liberty Trail Fest: Spring Edition
Experience our wide variety of trails during these special outdoor events. Great activity for the whole family! Saturday of Memorial Weekend. Spring edition includes free gifts at check-in, trail information, and a wide variety of paved and unpaved trails, water/kayaking trails, and many of options on Lake Liberty.

Spring Consignment Auction
525 South Fork Creek Road Liberty, KY 42539
Spring Consignment Auction is held at Casey County Produce Auction location every second Saturday in March. Residents, including Mennonite and Amish families, sell handmade goods, livestock, poultry, farming equipment, household items, and horse tack.
Phone: 606-787-5158 or 606-787-0570
127/501 Casey County Consignment Auction
Junction US-127 & KY-501
This Amish-run consignment auction features all sorts of homemade treats, poultry, livestock, used farm equipment, buggies, quilts, and lots more. Consignments are accepted. This is in the South Fork Mennonite/Amish area.
Phone: 606-787-7894
Plant & Flower Auction
April- May: MWF 1 PM
525 South Fork Creek Road Liberty, KY 42539
The Plant and Flower Auction is located at the same site where the Casey County Produce Auction is held. Another fun South Fork event in the heart of the Amish and Mennonite community that you won’t want to miss. A great opportunity to bring home locally grown flowers and plants.
Office: 606-787-5158
Market Info: 606-787-0025 for exact dates of open auctions.

Casey County is a real treat for bird-watching enthusiasts all year round. Due to the unique topography and geology of the region, several different parts of the county are home to many different native species of birds. It is not uncommon for one family’s yard to regularly host over 30 species of native birds. Even at night, bird enthusiasts will enjoy hearing barred owls laughing in the trees and whippoorwills singing up into the early morning hours. Photo Credit: Connie Atwood Murphy
In the spring, we get a lot of special visitors including rose-breasted grosbeaks, orioles, and indigo buntings, just to name a few. Check out the Casey County Bird Watch Sightings by species.

Dry Land Fishing
Dryland fishing in Casey County is actually mushroom hunting for Morel, a species of edible mushrooms that grow from April to mid-May. These highly prized mushrooms are popular among gourmet cooks, especially those who specialize in French cuisine. To ensure safety, it’s important to ask permission before hunting on private property. Inexperienced hunters should accompany experienced ones. Finally, dryland fish are sliced, breaded, and fried, and resemble fish in the frying pan.

Greenhouses Open
The Liberty/Casey County boasts several popular greenhouses that offer high-quality produce, flowers, and landscaping supplies. During spring, people from all over the state come to admire the stunning beauty of the flowers after the harsh winter. However, once you visit one of our local greenhouses, you’ll never want to return to a big retailer.
Homestead Gardens Greenhouse
3765 South Fork Ridge Rd.
Liberty, KY 42539
Phone: 606-787-2622
Lavern’s Country Market
52 South Fork Creek Rd.
Liberty, KY 42539
Phone: 606-787-9845
Pennington Farm & Garden
2212 Canoe Creek Road
Liberty, KY 42539
Phone: 606-706-5314
Ridgetop Greenhouses
803 Thomas Ridge Spur Rd.
Dunnville, KY 42528
Phone: 606-787-8480
Make sure to check out our Community Calendar of Events, so you don’t miss these SPRING events!
Check out our other Seasonal Events!